Visitdesk allows you to create print templates. You may now customize templates for the tokens/badge that your visitors or service providers will receive when they sign in to your premises. By default, a list of available templates is given. You can create custom templates based on your requirements.
Steps to create print templates
- A list of the available templates is displayed
- To create a new template click on Add Template button
- Enter the name and feed the template code
- If you want to select it as the default template, turn on default option
- Click on ADD.
- Hence a new template is added
- To edit an existing template, click on the edit icon under operations, and edit the code
- Click update to save changes
- To change the default template, click the edit option for the template you want to make as default, and turn on the default option. Click update.
- To remove a template, select the delete icon under operations.
Default Template options:
A few built-in template options include:
- Default
- Small Portrait
- Large Landscape
- Large Portrait.
The first template you see is a default template, all details on the badge pass can be turned on and off using the toggles on the right side